Services provided by Department: Followings are the schemes run by the department:-
1. Post Matric scholarship for Scheduled Castes (100% CSS over and above the committed liability of the State i.e. Rs. 60.80 Cr.)
2. Pre Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Caste Students studying in Class 9th and 10th(100% CSS)
3. Up gradation of merit of SC students (NEW SCHEME)(100% CSS)
4. Pre Matric Scholarship to the children whose parents are engages in Unclean Occupation, (Shifted to Plan 2014-15)(100% CSS over and above the committed liability of the State i.e. Rs. 0.65 Cr.)
5. Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana Construction for Hostel for SC Boys & Girls in School and College.
6. Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana Construction of Hostel for SCs Girls in School and College
7. Free Coaching for Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes Students (100% CSS)
8. Implementation of protection of civil Rights Act-1955 and the Scheduled Castes and the Schedules Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 (Clubbed Schemes SCOP(S) & SCOP(S)(50:50 CSS+SS)
9. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna (50:50 CSS+SS)
10. Grant to SC Students studying in Medical & Engineering Colleges (100% State)
11. Grant to Scheduled Castes girls studying in Post Matric and Post Graduate Classes. (100% State)
12. Coaching for Stenography.
13. Award to Brilliant Scheduled Castes students.(100% State)
14. Free Books to Scheduled Castes students (1st to 10th Classes).
15. Free Text Books to SC girls students studying in 10+1 and 10+2 classes (SC girls living below poverty line) (100% State)
16. Encouragement award to SC girls students for pursuing 10+2 Education. (100% State)
17. Awareness Programme. (100% State)
18. Promotion of education among Educationally Backward Classes.34- Scholarship / Stipends (100% State) & Other Charges (Refund of the examination fees) (100% State)
19. Shagun Scheme (Social Security Welfare) (i) Shagun to SC Girls / Widows / Divorces and their Daughters of Widows at the time of their marriages.
20. New Courses Vocational Training in ITIs for SC students (Staff Expenditure scholarship to SC students etc.) (ACA 2007-08) 01-Salaries
21. Attendance Scholarship to SCs Primary Girl Students. (100% State)
22. Assistance to NGO, Trust and other Social Institutions for Solemnizing Mass Marriages for SC Couples. (Non-Salary) (100% State)
23. Award to SC sports students (6-12 classes). (100% State)
24. Construction of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Bhawan and their operation. (100% State)
25. Houses to houseless SCs in Rural and Urban Area. (100% State)
26. Construction of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Bhawan and their operation. (100% State)
27. Construction and repair of Scheduled Caste dharamshalas. (100% State)
28. Scheme of Post Matric Scholarship to the Backward classes for studies in India 100% (100% CSS over and above the committed liability of the State i.e. Rs. 2.09 Cr.)
29. Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC students (50:50 over and above the committed liability of the State i.e 1.80 Cr.)
30. Construction of Hostel for OBC Boys and Girls in School and College. 50: 50 (CSS+SS) 90% CA + 10% Institutions (Central Universities+Institutions) 45% CA + 55% by universities/institutions for State institutions /universities.
31. Attendance Scholarship to BC/EWS Primary Girl Students. (100% State)
32. Shagun to Backward Classes and Christian Girls/ Widows/Divorces and Daughters of Widows of any Castes at time of their Marriages. (100% State) 33. Scheme of Post Matric Scholarship for students belonging to the Minority Communities.
34. Merit cum Means Based Scholarship to Students Belonging to Minority Communities.
35. Scheme of Pre Matric Scholarship for Students belonging to Minorities Communities
36. Multi-Sectoral Development Programme for Minorities. (MSDP)
37. Free Coaching and Allied Scheme for the Candidates belonging to Minority Communities.
38. Share Capital Contribution to the Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation Investment (51:49)
39. Grant in Aid to Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development and Finance Corporation (PSCFC) under one time settlement scheme.
40. Grant in Aid to Backfinco under one time settlement scheme. (General Salary)
41. Share Capital contribution to Punjab Backward Classes Land Development and Finance Corporation.
42. Margin Money to Backward classes Financial Corporations under National Minority Development and Finance Corporation.
43. Margin Money to Backfinco to Raise Term Loan from NBCFDC.
44. Equity Participation under NMDFC.
45. Scheme for setting up of Institute for training to Scheduled Castes candidates in stenography.
46. Capital subsidy under bank-tie-up loaning programme to below poverty line scheduled castes through P.S.C.L.D.F.C.
47. Providing of equipment and raw material in 24 Training cum Production Centre of Welfare Deptt.
48. Strengthening of 108 community centres for providing equipment and raw material.
49. Creating of infrastructure facilities in village having 50% or more SC Population.
50. Financial Assistance to SCs for starting professional practice after completion of professional Courses (matching share from SCA).